So I had my hour date with my bag of peas and my hour and a half nap and woke up with just enough time to make it to work and I was IN PAIN. Apparently, there was a little more digging around going on with this one than the first one. Work was fantastic about being okay with me not going in but I felt terrible. Hope all went well guys!!
My advice is to take the day off if this ever happens to you. The first time I was exhausted but I think it was more of an emotional thing. This time it was physical. poo.
Now, I don't want to name any names but someone is a little concerned with how much they have been fondling themselves since they've heard my news. My advice on that one is, relax and enjoy it.
till next time
hahaha. i don't know who that was "feeling themselves up" ;), i do have a renewed relationship with my "girls". This really was never meant to affect one of my close friends or myself, or someone of my generation for that matter, but it has now. I thought cancer was for the generation before us....this has hit way to close to home!