Friday, June 17, 2011

After Surgery

Wow, it has almost been a week since my last post.  I guess preparing for surgery (mentally) and doing a bit of recovery has taken some time.

Things went swimmingly well.  I was a little concerned finding out the day before that they had a bed booked for me overnight.  That wasn't in my plans, especially since the Canucks were supposed to win the cup that night - and my lovely man was waiting for me at home.

Never having been in surgery before (lucky me), I had no idea what to expect.  I don't do all that well with drugs although they are effective in my almost pure body.  After being hooked up to the IV, I was told that I would start feeling a little different soon.  I started to panic a little bit and just told myself, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and meditate.  That is the last thing I remember.  Magic!

As it happened, my surgeon was able to take out the least amount of lymph nodes possible and I was able to go home that afternoon.  Very excellent!

Ricardo and I left home for a walk up-town yesterday morning to unfortunately witness the destruction of the night before - how embarrassing - and, to do a little window shopping.  We were home 5 hours later.  I was pretty impressed with our stamina.  Today I have far more mobility and far less pain.  It's a little disappointing.  I thought I was going to be able to milk this a little longer.  I am not allowed to carry anything of size on my left side for the next two weeks though so that should slow me down a little bit.

Well, it is a gorgeous day and we are off to Langley for our country weekend.  Perhaps I can help direct Ricardo in some of his packing needs for his move next Saturday.  Very exciting stuff.

till next time

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