Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Comments on my Blog

Hello, all,

I know that a few of you have had difficulty making comments to my blog - INCLUDING me.  I was trying to show Ricardo my difficulties on the weekend and had no problem with his computer.  When I mentioned this fact to my "Simone team sista", Susan, the computer guru, she said, "the fact it is not holding your login credentials is going to end up being a browser setting most likely with cookies, sessions, or web page caching.  it is going to be around that area.  he is using Safari most likely i expect as he is on a mac, i am not familiar with the default settings on the browser on a mac.  he would also have a more recent browser than you i suspect. are you on IE8 or IE9"  Yah, right?!

Anyway, I tried using Safari as my browser and had no problems at all.  If you can decipher the above and the response comment of "could probably work through the browser setting required for Internet Explorer", good on yah.  I have opted out to using Safari for my blog.

Now, if anyone out there is still having difficulties and wanted to comment on anything I have blogged about, please email me your comment to and I will post it for you.

till next time

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