Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Back After Major Hiatus

Hello, all,
I am very embarrassed to have dropped off the face of the planet like that.  No excuse is a good excuse, especially as my very good friend Susan pointed out, I have everything at my fingertips with my new cellphone.

I have been spending more than half of my time out in the burbs with Ricardo and am feeling, I must say a little too nomadic, living out of a suitcase.  It has been good though  because I have had the opportunity to work with some very good customers at the restaurant who needed administrative help getting the logistics of their 3 month long journey together.  It has been good to do something that isn't as physical as the night work at the restaurant but I will be back to it now since their journey has started, as of yesterday.

Now, I have finally have a little word on follow up treatment for my particular cancer case.  My consult with the Cancer Clinic oncologist was today and I have been extremely good news.  No Chemo!!  Yowza, that is awesome.  I have an appointment with the radiation oncologist next week who will set me up with a schedule for radiation treatment which will be 5 days a week for 3 weeks and then because my breast cancer was estrogen positive, I will be taking "tamoxifen" daily for 5 years.  YES 5 years.  That is a bit much but I guess it must be done.  I don't know all that much about it yet but was sent home with a bunch of info.  Apparently one of the side effects is hot flashes - what every woman looks forward to.

That is all for now.  Once again, I am very sorry for not keeping it up.  There has been a lot of waiting around though with not much to report. 
Till next time

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