Friday, August 19, 2011

Radiation Schedule

Hello all,
Well, I've finally seen the radiation oncologist and had my ct planning session. 

I have to say, I hope I never have to have an MRI.  Not too fond of enclosed spaces - and although the CT is not enclosed and pretty quick, all that was visible was the machine around me.  On the bright side, the radiation therapist wasn't sure if my nerves were working properly because I didn't flinch for the tatooing.  Yah, a free tatoo or two!  Nothing to show off unfortunatley.  No skull and crossbones or anything fun like that.  Just a couple of little freckles used to line me up on during the radiation blasts.

It will be nice to get it all started - and all over with.  If everything goes as planned, I should be done by Sept 20 and I would REALLY like to have a little holiday from it all.

Haven't been working my tail off and I think I am taking it pretty well.  I feel lucky.  But I can't say the whole situation has hasn't been a little draining.

Everyone is different but all I should be experiencing is fatigue - not nausea - and a bad sunburn.  Sounds okay to me!!

That's it for now.
till next time

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