Thursday, August 11, 2011

Radiation Oncologist

My meeting with the radiation oncologist went well.  Nothing really all that new to report.  She would like to see an ultrasound done on my right breast so I guess that will happen some time next week.

I go in next week again sometime for a CT scan and a little more info on how to deal with the radiation but they are not anticipating any real side affects.  After that apparently I will start quite soon after on 4 weeks of radiation - 20 sessions - Monday to Friday.  Am looking forward to a little vacation after this is all said and done.

My buddy who is completing the "Answer for Cancer Tour" has just found out that our Major has proclaimed August 13 "Answer for Cancer Day".  They will be completing their ride in front of City Hall Vancouver at 3pm this Saturday.  I am going to try, try, try to be there but I work that evening and am not sure I can fit it in to our day.  I hope so. They have done an amazing thing.

Well, we are finally getting summer days.  I hope you are all enjoying the few weeks before "back to school"!!

Till next time.

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