Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's a Done Deal!

Well, that's it for me  -  I hope anyway.  Radiation treatment is complete, woo hoo!!  And hopefully that phase of my life is in the past.  There will be drugs for the next five years to help ensure we don't see cancer again but that is a small price to pay.

I've been meaning to get on an extremely healthy eating regime to battle the possibility and prevention of any more scares but the last few months have been all about trying to be happy and relaxed and anyone who knows me knows that such a thing must include cinnamon buns, pies, and such.  When I do get on it, perhaps I will continue blog about health but in the meantime, if you are interested, I completely recommend googling Kris Carr's and her book, documentary and website entitled "Crazy Sexy Cancer" for  inspiration and tips.

Thank you all for your support and love and just for being interested.